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HMS Team Member Randy Parr Recognized for Work With Veterans

HMS Team Member Randy Parr Recognized for Work with Veterans

Hyperbaric Medical Solutions (HMS) proudly announces the recent recognition of longtime team member and physician assistant Randy Parr with the 2019 Long Island Women’s Conference 'Women in Military Service Award' for her work with U.S. veterans. The prestigious honors were presented by New York State (NYS) Sen. Monica R. Martinez at the third annual networking and awards event celebrating diverse accomplishments of Long Island women, held May 18 at the Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts.

Women in Military Service Award

A former U.S. Marine, Parr joined HMS after learning of its commitment to treating veterans diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) at no cost to the veterans.

According to Parr, the majority of veterans do not seek treatment for these conditions, which typically cause insomnia, anxiety and brain fog, among other symptoms. This is due in part to the perceived stigma of PTSD as a psychiatric condition, when—in approximately 50% of cases—what they're actually suffering from is mTBI, a verified medical condition, she says.

Through speaking engagements and networking with veterans’ groups, Parr has made it her mission to educate the populace and channel as many veterans as possible to HMS for proper diagnosis, and ultimately, treatment via hyperbaric oxygen therapy.*

The results, reports Parr, have been extremely encouraging, with most instances of insomnia alleviated within a span of just two weeks. 

Proclamation for Randy ParrThe majority of these conditions are caused by IED explosions, which, according to Parr, many veterans have described as “a blast traveling from the feet, up through the body, exploding out of the head.” Scarring from these incidents can begin in as few as four days; men and women are equally affected. 

Statistics show that 22 veterans per day commit suicide, a number which continues to fuel Parr’s commitment to the cause. As a member of the military, her hope is to relate to those affected—whether veterans or their families, friends and coworkers—to present a case for treatment.  

This particular honor came following Parr’s treatment of the CEO of a nonprofit for homeless veterans, which led to a conversation with then-NYS Sen. Tom Croci, a Navy veteran himself, who sought to learn more about HBOT and its potential benefits. Parr was subsequently asked to participate on a veterans panel, a role she has since used to spearhead an initiative to have PTSD treatment covered by insurance. 

Though this measure is currently stalled, Parr remains committed.

“I would give back 100 awards to make a difference in the life of one vet,” she says.

For further information on hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and how it can be used to treat conditions such as PTSD and TBI, please contact Hyperbaric Medical Solutions today.

{*HBOT is currently considered off-label in the treatment of concussion and PTSD.}

Hyperbaric Medical Solutions

Written by Hyperbaric Medical Solutions

Hyperbaric Medical Solutions is a free-standing, independent medical practice, providing hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). HBOT is an advanced healing therapy that treats conditions that benefit from increased oxygen concentration and absorption in the body....

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