Obstetrics & Gynecology

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has many applications in Obstetrics and Gynecology. HBOT is FDA-approved to treat radiation induced enteritis, radiation proctitis, hemorrhagic cystitis, hematuria, and other types of radiation injury. It has also been shown to potentially enhance fertility by increasing thickness of the uterine lining. Plus, from hysterectomies to tubal ligations, HBOT will also accelerate surgical recovery.
See the Research & Studies section below for detailed information related to your specialty.
How your patients will benefit from HBOT
- IL1, IL6, and TNF alpha downregulation
- Decreases inflammation
- Exponential increase in circulating stem cells from bone marrow
- Promotes angiogenesis
- Enhancing mitochondrial function
- Accelerating wound healing at all stages
- Decreases fibrosis and scarring
- May enhance uterine lining thickness, facilitating conception
- Bactericidal to anaerobic and facultatively aerobic bacteria including claustridium and staph aureus (including MRSA)
Did You Know?
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Creates New Blood Vessels. Vascularization or angiogenesis is the creation of new blood vessels. Non-healing wounds, strokes, heart attacks, and many other conditions can dramatically benefit from the enhanced blood flow that occurs with HBOT.
Refer A Patient!
Click here for a downloadable referral form, which can be completed on your computer and emailed back to forms@hyperbaricmedicalsolutions.com. If you prefer to print and complete the form by hand, you may fax it to 516-802-5026 or mail it to 80 Crossways Park Dr, Suite 200, Woodbury, NY 11797.
Our experienced clinical team is available to help you identify appropriate candidates for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and to answer any additional questions about HBOT or our facilities. You deserve the best – our mission is to achieve patient success through personalized, innovative, and compassionate care that enhances your healing potential. We do so at the lowest possible out-of-pocket cost for your patients, with only one copay and/or less coinsurance than at a hospital-based HBOT program.