Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can Help Treat


Treatment & Consultation Fully Covered By Insurance 


Painful or uncomfortable urination is referred to as dysuria. It is typically characterized by a sharp, burning sensation while urinating, OFTEN resulting from irritation of the bladder trigone region (the smooth triangular region of the internal urinary bladder formed by the two ureteral orifices and the internal urethral orifice), urethra, or perineum. Irritation of the bladder trigone region causes bladder contraction, leading to frequent and painful urination. Inflammation or stricture of the urethra causes difficulty in starting urination and burning upon urinating. 




• Pain While Urinating 

• Burning Sensation While Urinating 

• Discomfort While Urinating

• Fever  

• Flank or Side Pain or Tenderness 

• Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)




As noted, inflammation of the bladder’s lining, known as cystitis, is one cause of painful urination. Cystitis can result from radiation therapy, known as radiation cystitis, such as in instances in which a male has received radiation treatment to his pelvis for prostate cancer.  However, females can also experience radiation cystitis.

The best treatment for painful urination resulting from radiation treatments is hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), or the administration of prescription oxygen in a pressurized chamber. HBOT provides long-lasting results for radiation-induced painful urination by building new blood vessels to bring nutrients to injured tissue in the bladder, urethra or perineum. HBOT also brings new stem cells to injured tissue, decreasing inflammation and swelling. HBOT fixes the root cause of the problem at a cellular level, leading to an overall improvement in the patient’s quality of life.



Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Benefits

• 100% Safe & Secure

• Full Covered by Insurance

• Licensed Professionals

• Clean & Secure Environment

Call 516-762-8832 To Schedule A Consultation

Fully Covered By Insurance - 100% Safe & Secure 


Frequently Asked Questions


What does it mean to have painful urination?

If it burns, stings, or hurts to pee, whether male or female, it could mean several things. For one, if you have undergone radiation treatments at any time in the past, and you are now experiencing burning or stinging while urinating, or after urinating, it could be indicative of having radiation damage. This could be because the radiation treatments have damaged the lining of the urethra or bladder, resulting in a condition often referred to as radiation cystitis.

Could painful or burning sensation during urination be caused by radiation treatment if my treatment was a long time ago?

Yes. Many injuries resulting from radiation treatments, including painful urination, do not appear for months, and in some instances, years after radiation treatments. Damage to the bladder lining or urethra may not manifest in painful urination for many months or years after radiation treatments. That is the reason that many doctors fail to connect the dots between long-ago radiation treatments and the symptoms a patient is experiencing.

What is the risk of not treating radiation-induced painful urination with HBOT?
Patients are advised to seek immediate medical attention if they experience pain while urinating. If a patient’s painful urination is caused by radiation tissue damage, it is highly unlikely that it will subside on its own. Instead, the patient’s pain is likely to intensify. Since HBOT is anti-inflammatory and creates new blood vessels, it is the best treatment to help heal the damage to the bladder wall sometimes experienced during radiation treatment.
Why does radiation treatment sometimes result in painful urination?
Although radiation technology and techniques have improved drastically over the years, radiation treatment targeted to the pelvis, as is the case for prostate cancer, occasionally causes inflammation in the bladder wall.  Because of the position of the bladder next to the prostate and rectum, it is impossible to completely spare the bladder from radiation doses.  Where there is inflammation in the bladder wall, it may result in pain, frequency, urgency, or even blood in the urine.
Is HBOT for painful urination covered by insurance?
Yes. Painful urination, or dysuria, induced by radiation damage is covered by insurance and government payers, like Medicare, so long as the symptoms occur or persist at least six months after receiving radiation treatments. If you are experiencing burning, stinging, or any pain whatsoever during urination and you have received radiation therapy in the past, you may be suffering from radiation-induced painful urination.
How long after first experiencing painful urination caused by radiation treatment can HBOT resolve hematuria?
If your painful urination is caused by radiation treatments, HBOT may be able to resolve the painful urination right away with a course of 20-40 HBOT sessions (results may vary). However, commercial insurance and government payers, like Medicare, will generally not cover radiation tissue damage until symptoms (including painful urination) occur or persist for six months after radiation treatment. Nevertheless, even if you experience painful urination from radiation treatment before the six-month marker, it is still imperative if you experience pain associated with urinating to immediately seek medical attention.  
Is HBOT painful?
No. HBOT is a natural and generally painless procedure, where a patient simply lies back, relaxes and breathes – the hyperbaric chamber does the rest! Occasionally a patient will experience some pressure in his or her ears, similar to the sensation of being on an airplane. An HMS technician or medical provider, who is always monitoring the chamber, is available to coach patients on clearing their ears.