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Traumatic Brain Injury and PTSD have been said to be the “silent killer” of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Many of those who have served us so bravely are going undiagnosed of having a traumatic brain injury from, in many cases, their multiple tours of duty.  Now these heroes are living day to day with great discomfort, often unable to live a normal life, affecting not only themselves but their friends, families and colleagues.  This is an ongoing tragedy that is now taking 22 vets each day to suicide, according to the VA.  Thankfully, there are many out there advocating for these soldiers and while more still needs to be done, word is spreading about the benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.  Research is being done across the country and there are countless stories from soldiers and their families about how HBO Therapy has significantly improved their lives.  This video is an example of both.  As a country, it is our duty to care for our soldiers both during and after their active service and studies like this one pending in Oklahoma are working to meet that responsibility.




Hyperbaric Medical Solutions

Written by Hyperbaric Medical Solutions

Hyperbaric Medical Solutions is a free-standing, independent medical practice, providing hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). HBOT is an advanced healing therapy that treats conditions that benefit from increased oxygen concentration and absorption in the body....

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